Glass Packaging Solutions, Home Line and Flat Glass

Glass is in constant evolution!
É para isso que trabalhamos todos os dias, junto com nossos clientes.

Glass in its infinite possibilities of use is present in our home, in our car, and in several moments of our daily life, including the preparation of a meal.

And at Jundu, where everything begins, we associate science and innovation to develop and deliver solutions and raw materials for glass, such as Quartz Sand, Dolomite and Limestone, ingredients that compose glass and that will transform people's daily lives.


The robust production processes at Jundu provide stability and consistency that also translate into the stability of glass manufacturing and its quality.

In addition to all the quality attributes, Jundu solutions are proven to deliver the best energy performance in glass manufacturing and the smallest carbon footprint.

Discover the future of sustainable materials with Jundu's ECO line!

A line of solutions for flat glass designed to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions. More energy efficiency and sustainability in the processes.

Proven greater energy efficiency

In a world increasingly conscious and demanding innovative end-to-end solutions, EcoPack Jundu and EcoFloat Jundu emerge as a response to the urgent need for solutions that respect the planet. This line of minerals for different types of glass not only raises energy efficiency standards but also contributes to reducing CO2 emissions, giving glass – already known for its environmental superiority – an even greater boost towards a sustainable future.

Discover the future of sustainable materials with Jundu's ECO line!

A line of solutions for flat glass designed to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions. More energy efficiency and sustainability in the processes.

Proven greater energy efficiency

In a world increasingly conscious and demanding innovative end-to-end solutions, EcoPack Jundu and EcoFloat Jundu emerge as a response to the urgent need for solutions that respect the planet. This line of minerals for different types of glass not only raises energy efficiency standards but also contributes to reducing CO2 emissions, giving glass – already known for its environmental superiority – an even greater boost towards a sustainable future.

Lumiére Jundu: Presenting the World in a More Glimmering Way!

Thinking about how to present the world in a more dazzling way for demanding eyes, Jundu has developed a line of Solutions in Sand, Dolomite, and Limestone with 100% national, ultra-low iron oxide content for making extra-clear glasses that deliver elegance, luminosity,and clarity.

Talk to our experts

Jundu has a team of Application Engineering experts ready to understand your challenge!